Two ways to face business mistakes and ‘failure’

In an email to my 8000-strong subscribers last week, I shared a new podcast ep where I discussed two paths you can choose when facing ‘failure’ in your business.

Since we pretty much can’t run away from mistakes as business owners, we can learn to handle them in a healthy way instead of letting ourselves go through the downward spiral of low self-worth and depressed-like feelings.

There are many ways we can face ‘failure’, but I am sharing two paths today.

Path 1:

If you have a ‘fighter’ personality, you may like Path 1 : which is to fight the failure aggressively and turn it into a success.

You will take massive action such as hiring new people, creating new funnels, testing new products - sometimes all at once.

Path 2:

If you are a peace-loving business owner, you may lean into Path 2 : which involves accepting failure as part of the business journey.

This also means: you are in no  rush to ‘fix’ the failure and you are at peace with different phases of your business. You will ‘go with the flow’ and allow your intuition to lead the way.

So… are you more likely to choose Path 1 or Path 2?

Personally, I choose Path 2 because I value mental peace and inner peace.

If you value achievements and speed, you may prefer Path 1.

One path is not better than the other.

I would like to assure you that both paths are valid and helpful to manage business mistakes and failure in a healthier way.

Do you have your own preferred way of handling ‘failure’ in business?

If I were to create more videos and podcast episodes surrouding the mindset aspect of running a business, what topics would you like me to discuss?

You can leave a comment below or email me at

Take care,



How to manage perfectionism in business


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