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How to Create a Self-Care Plan for your Coaching Clients (with Free Self-Care Assessment Template)

I'm sharing the 5 steps you need in order to create a practical self-care plan for your coaching clients.

If your clients are like most people, they can intuitively sense when their self-care is out of balance, but may not know how to start their self-care habits in an effective manner.

This confusion, coupled with a busy or demanding lifestyle, can equate to them procrastinating any form of self-care until something more dire happens - such as burnout or becoming unwell.

Creating a personalised self-care plan tailored to their needs is the first step they can take to feel empowered, reduce stress and possibly prevent burnout.

If you want a step-by-step outline on how you can create a self-care plan for your coaching clients, you may want to continue reading.

Step 1 : A self-care assessment or self-care audit

This step is crucial because it highlights the specific self-care needs which may have been unintentionally neglected whilst your clients are busy pursuing their goals.

Creating an assessment of any kind can be a daunting task even for experienced coaches as it requires thorough thought and insight.

I have used my insight and experience derived as a former counsellor to help create a 25-question self-care assessment for you.

Use this self-care assessment template during coaching sessions or even as a free opt-in freebie for your coaching blog (to get more subscribers).

Step 2 : Create self-care goals for each self-care category (there are 5 main categories)

Goals should ideally be specific and realistic. After completing this free assessment, you can then nudge your clients to create 3 self-care goals for each of these categories :

  • physical self-care

  • emotional self-care

  • spiritual self-care

  • social self-care and

  • mental self-care

Step 3 : Create a personalised Self Care Menu

A self-care menu is a fun spin to simply creating a list of their favourite self-care activities.

Your clients’ Self-care Menu can be in the form of a mindmap, a table, a calendar or a simple bullet-point list if they prefer a minimalist style.

This Self-care Menu should ideally include at least 20 activities which offer mental peace, joy, relief or a feeling of expansiveness and gratitude to them.

This Menu should be personalised to their needs and if they need ideas, they can choose to reflect on activities they have done in the past which offer them feelings associated with self-care.

Examples include spending time with supportive people, introspective activities such as journaling, participating in active meditations or going for therapy.

Step 4 : Intentionally schedule activities from the Self Care Menu into a weekly planner

Some of us have the perception that self-care activities do not need to be scheduled. I beg to differ.

When your clients schedule self-care activities into their week, they have a higher chance of committing to them.

This is especially true if they have a demanding career or a fast-paced lifestyle. Their self-care needs may just fall to the wayside in favour of more ‘productive’ work-related activities or they may choose easy, passive activities such as bingeing on a TV series.

You may want to encourage them to schedule self-care activities which actually enrich their lives, bring them joy, energise them mentally and emotionally or activities which create pleasant memories.

Step 5: Helping your clients balance success with self-care

Which self-care needs are your clients likely to neglect when they are experiencing a busy or stressful period in their lives?

You may encourage them to list them down.

For example, they may neglect their sleep, exercise, meditation or hobbies when they are actively pursuing their goals.

You may ask them these questions or even create a worksheet with these questions:

  1. “Which self-care needs do you usually neglect when you are busy?”

  2. “What does it feel like to neglect these needs?”

  3. “What may happen if you choose to continue ignoring this self-care need?”

  4. “What is one small action step you can take to pay attention to this self-care need?”

Want to offer and sell a Self Care Masterclass to your coaching clients?

You can choose to conduct a 60-minute masterclass to teach your clients how to create their own self-care plan.

If you want to launch + sell your own 60-minute Create your own Self Care Plan masterclass, you can get this done-for-you masterclass.

I wrote this masterclass using my experience and insight as a former counsellor working in a government ministry.

With 80 fully written, fully-designed slides, a workbook and a fully-done script, you can launch your own masterclass practically overnight (or sooner ;)).

I hope this has been helpful for you in some way.

Take care,


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How to run a vision board workshop for coaches (with free vision board coaching tool)

I will share a free vision board workshop outline and as well as a Start Creating Your Vision Board Today coaching tool which you can use as a lead magnet to grow your coaching list.

“Creating vision boards is such an ‘airy-fairy’ topic,” my brain whispered.

I was scouring the Internet for topics to create my next done-for-you workshop. 

Well, sometimes our thoughts are not facts. 

Because I came across 3 successful coaches who have conducted vision board workshops before. So clearly, vision boards are not airy-fairy after all.

Successful Coach #1 started her 6-figure coaching business holding in-person vision board workshops

Successful Coach #2 has a 7-figure business and launched her own vision board training called Vision Board Alchemy months ago. (just Google for it!)

Successful Coach #3 also started her business with vision board classes (I can’t remember the exact details though)

Well, if these superstar coaches are holding vision board workshops, that means there is a HUGE demand for it.

If you want a shortcut to grow your mailing list, you can download my mini-ebook called “Start creating a vision board today : 4 Must-Have Categories for a vision board which works” and use it as a lead magnet for your coaching website.

Step #1. Have a clear outline for your vision board workshop to organise your thoughts

Creating masterclasses and courses starts with sketching out the outlines and then filling in the details and information.

  • How many ‘lessons’ do you wish to have in your vision board workshop?

  • Roughly, how many slides do you want to dedicate per lesson?

  • Are you going to have a group activity per lesson?

If you are not sure what to include in your vision board workshop, you can use my suggested workshop outline as a reference.

The workshop outline below is from my done-for-you vision board workshop which you can sell to your audience. It has 80 value-packed slides, an accompanying workbook and a script all done for you using my research and counselling experience :)

Suggested Vision Board Workshop outline for you :

  1. Introducing yourself as a coach and your background or life experience to build credibility amongst your participants

  2. Explaining why we need vision boards and how it helps us to achieve our goals faster

  3. Summarising the concepts that you will be teaching in the workshop

  4. Lesson 1 : How does a vision board help us create our dream life?

  5. Lesson 2 : How to overcome low self-worth and an undeserving mindset so as to set authentic goals

  6. Lesson 3 : Inviting and activating an abundance mindset

  7. Lesson 4 : Your authentic goals, dreams and desires - 4 essential must-have categories for your vision board

  8. Lesson 5 : Creating your own vision board using my 5-Step process

  9. Lesson 6 : How to use powerful inspired action to make your vision board goals a reality

  10. Recap the concepts you have taught

  11. Gracefully promote another program or higher-ticket offer to your audience.

  12. End the presentation with asking your participants to leave a review, asking participants to email you with suggestions to improve the workshop, asking them to follow you on your social media or getting them to share their favourite sections of the workshop.

Step #2 : Decide on the 4 (or 5) must-have essential categories for an effective vision board

Every coach has a different opinion on the categories which are needed to create a vision board which works.

Having well-defined categories is very helpful because your clients get to focus on ‘succeeding’ in only the most important aspects of life.

Instead of trying to chase 50 goals on their vision board, having well-defined categories helps them narrow their focus + energy down to working on, say, only 20 of their top most essential goals.

If you want my suggested 4 must-have categories to create an authentic vision board for success, you can download my Canva-editable mini-ebook “Start creating a vision board today : 4 Must-Have Categories for a vision board which works”

As a coach, you can use this mini-ebook as a lead magnet to get more people to sign up for your mailing list.

Just key in your name and I will send this editable mini-ebook to your email address.

Step #3. Address mindset blocks which may prevent your participants from setting exciting goals

Some participants may have low self-worth or a scarcity mindset which hinders them from setting exciting vision board goals.

Setting exciting goals is important. Excitement is a natural motivator which pulls us to work on our goals and visions.

In the done-for-you vision board workshop, I included slides addressing low self-worth issues and mindset issues regarding abundance.

Helping your participants slowly chip away at their low self-worth and lack mindset will excite them to design a life which works for them.

I know it takes months of research, writing and designing to create a high-quality workshop.

That is why I have created a done-for-you Vision Board workshop which you can launch and sell ASAP :)

You will get

  • 80 Canva slides full of information which are editable to suit your audience’s needs

  • An accompanying workbook which you can brand with your business name and edit in Canva to make it uniquely yours

  • A fully-done script to ensure that your vision board workshop runs smoothly

If you have questions for me, you can send me an email at

I hope this blog post has helped you in a small way.

Sincerely and thank you,


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Confidence coaching technique : How to coach confidence the self-loving way (with free self confidence coaching exercise)

Today, we'll be discussing 5 self-loving ways to boost your clients' confidence. As coaches, it can be tremendously helpful for you to coach confidence to your clients with a more compassionate mindset, and leaving behind the tough love methods of the past :)

Today, we'll be discussing 5 self-loving techniques to boost your clients’ confidence levels.

As coaches, it can be tremendously helpful to coach confidence with a more compassionate mindset, and leaving behind the tough love methods of the past.

You can also download a FREE, brandable ‘Self-loving ways to boost your confidence’ mini workbook to use as a free opt-in in your coaching blog and grow your mailing list:

Meanwhile, you can watch the podcast video below or read the modified transcript if you wish.

Thank you for being in my world.

Blessings to you,


  • Welcome back to another episode of Mindset with Shikah. I'm Shikah and I create done for you coaching tools using my counselling experience. 

    Today we will be talking about self-loving ways to boost your client’s confidence. 

    For some reason, when I think of ‘building confidence’ or ‘confidence coaching’’, the first thing that pops in my mind are ‘tough love’ methods.

    I grew up hearing words like ‘no pain, no gain’, ‘bulldoze your fear’, ‘push through your fear no matter what’ or other self-punishing ideas like that.

    Well, the good news is, building your clients’ confidence and self-worth does not have to involve punishment, self-sacrifice or tears of some sort.

    That’s why I created this done-for-you self confidence program. I believe that confidence can be coached through more self-compassionate methods. 

    Confidence is such an important aspect of our lives, as it allows us to tackle challenges well, pursue our goals, and embrace our authentic selves.

    And confidence is a skill that can be learnt. If your audience thrives with a self-compassionate approach to boost confidence, you will find this episode helpful.

    I’m going to share a few self-loving coaching methods to boost confidence and ensure your clients feel comfortable in their own skin.

    #1. Self acceptance helps with self-confidence. Acceptance means owning both their positive characteristics and less-than-ideal aspects.

    For example, instead of punishing themselves for not being a ‘hustler’ who works 24/7, your clients can accept that they have a different working style.

    And they can craft schedules which let them thrive within their own working style. Self acceptance, hence, maintains their confidence levels.

    #2. Being grateful actually leads to self confidence

    Low confidence usually crops up when we have a ‘lack’ mindset. Lack of talent, lack of good looks, lack of motivation - you name it.

    If your clients appreciate the talents, skills and experience they have, they can be comfortable in their own skin.

    This does not mean they stay complacent.

    They can be grateful for their current state AND be works-in-progress at the same time :) 

    #3. Being mindful actually helps boost self confidence

    Mindfulness is probably the last thing you think of when you are coaching confidence. But here, we are referring to being mindful of our thoughts.

    Detaching ourselves from our critical thoughts can preserve our self esteem.

    I have an exercise in the done for you self confidence program which can help your clients with this. 

    For example, let’s assume you have a client who has a critical thought similar to this: “I am not good or skilled enough to apply for that job at my dream company.” 

    They can choose to pause and scan to see which thoughts are causing them to feel inadequate. 

    They can then detach themselves from the thought by changing their narrative to : “I am having *the thought* that I am not skilled enough to apply for a job at my dream company.” 

    Being aware that thoughts are not real, helps to prevent dips in confidence.

    #4. Another way to boost confidence in a self loving way is to encourage your clients to set achievable, realistic goals.

    Setting goals that are slightly challenging but achievable is a great way to boost their confidence.

    Start setting small goals and gradually work their way up to bigger goals.

    This is helpful because accomplishing even small achievements can prove to themselves that they are capable of success.

    And this builds their confidence in themselves.

    #5. The next way to coach confidence in a self-loving way is to surround themselves with positive people.

    I know one mindset coach who mentioned that ‘Environment trumps mindset’.

    What he meant was, the influence of people around us can have a stronger impact on us than our own mindset.

    So, the friends we spend time with, have a big impact on our confidence.

    Encourage your clients to surround themselves with people who uplift and support them. 

    We all know building confidence is a lifelong journey. And if you use self-loving methods to boost your clients’ confidence their new found confidence will be strong and last a long time.

    I hope you found this episode helpful.

    Check out the show notes for free lead magnets which you can use in your coaching blog to grow your mailing list. See you in my next episode. Bye.

Launch your own signature program finally.

Program text, editable workbook, done for you sales page, opt-in freebie and email sales funnel all done for you.

done for you coaching program

Done-for-you coaching program which you can launch to your coaching clients by today.


If you have any questions, you can send me an email at

For your Pinterest board :


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FREE People Pleaser Test and 9 Prompts to Coach Boundary setting

Help your coaching clients start setting clear boundaries with these 9 prompts which you can share on your Instagram reels or in other social media platforms.

Download your own ‘Am I a People-Pleaser?’ quiz and use it as a lead magnet to grow your coaching mailing list

Watch this blog post here :)

Transcript :

When your clients have had weak boundaries for too long, asking them to suddenly set boundaries can give them a mild anxiety attack.

“How do I even start?”

“Won’t I be seen as a ‘bad’ person?”

“How would I know if I’m setting healthy boundaries or being selfish?"

The last question is one which many people-pleasers battle the most.

Your audience may suspect that they have people-pleasing issues but may not be sure how to set boundaries without being seen as a ‘cold-hearted, selfish prick.’

In Lesson 3 of my brand new done-for-you Overcome People Masterclass, I shared 10 ways for you to coach your clients to say ‘No’ to unreasonable requests and still remain polite.

But first things first : If your clients are torn as to whether they should say Yes or No to a request, they can use these 9 prompts to point them to the right answer.

“Should I say Yes or No to this request?”

Nine prompts to help your clients decide if they should say Yes or No to a request:

  1. Do I have the time to do this?

  2. What will I have to give up to do this?

  3. Will I feel pressured to get it done?

  4. Will I be upset with myself after saying yes?

  5. Will I resent the person asking if I say ‘yes’?

  6. Will I feel duped, had, or coerced?

  7. Why am I agreeing? What do I gain from saying ‘yes’? What do I lose if I say ‘yes’?

  8. How will I feel as I’m doing this task if I say ‘yes’? Will I feel resentful?

  9. If I am a fully confident version of myself, will I still say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to this request?

So, what can you do next? 

Record a quick video and share the 9 prompts in your Instagram reels, get some views + help the people-pleasers out there :)

Of course, the best approach is to at least have a 60-minute Zoom masterclass to coach your audience to kick off their people pleasing habits.

If creating a masterclass seems like too much of a headache for you (I feel your pain!)  you can get my done-for-you Overcome People Pleasing masterclass where the slides, workbook and even script are already done for you :) 

So, how will you share the 9 boundary-setting prompts with your audience today? :)

Thank you for all that you do, Coaches.



NEW FOR YOU : Done-for-you Overcome People-pleasing Masterclass

Here’s what you’ll get with this done-for-you masterclass:

  • You get 80 well-thought-out Canva slides which I’ve created with my counselling experience, sharp observation and research. I’ve also personally created exercises which work best in a masterclass setting

  • You get an accompanying workbook so that your audience remembers the concepts clearly + solidifying your stand as a genuine, effective coach.

  • You will get a FULL written script so you will be a smooth presenter during the masterclass.

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FREE creative goal setting coaching tool to help your clients set aligned and achievable goals

If you want to help your clients set meaningful goals which align with their values, you will love this 5-step technique!

For goals to actually work, they have to be aligned with your clients’ personal values and conjure up excitement within them.

Because of that, I have created a goal-setting model which helps your clients set goals which are:

  1. Super specific

  2. Positive oriented

  3. Aligned with their personal values

You can download this free goal-setting coaching tool below and use it as a lead magnet to get more subscribers. You can even use this coaching tool during your 1-1 or group coaching sessions.

I call this model the SPADE goal-setting coaching technique.

  • Stands for ‘set specific goals’.

  • P is for 'positive oriented’. You may want to encourage your clients to set goals which focus on going somewhere positive. For example, instead of setting goals to avoid ‘being broke’, your clients can be encouraged to set goals to ‘make more income and enjoy more freedom’. Can you feel the difference in energy in both goals? :)

  • A is for ‘aligned with your values’

  • D is for ‘divide your goals into bite-sized daily actions’. Your clients’ goals can be divided into small daily habits which bring them closer to those goals

  • E is for ‘experience your goals with your senses’. Visualisation helps to make your clients’ goals seem real, believable and energetically attract them into their reality

I’ve created this technique with the aim in mind to ensure that the goals set by your clients are aligned and achievable for them.

You can get more goal setting coaching techniques in my brandable, done-for-you goals achieving masterclass.

You may want to create a course or masterclass in future but I know that coaches can get too busy with client work.

That’s where this done-for-you masterclass can help!

This done-for-you masterclass has

  • 73 slides

  • a full script

  • a transcript

  • and an accompanying workbook.


Curious? You can see all the 73 slides here:

I hope my offering helps you save time, make more income as a coach and create a positive difference out there.



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