Coaches, create your own 'perfect' day with these 5 questions

What does a ‘perfect’ day look like for you? 

Maybe you like to start your day getting spiritual and meditative. Or you may like getting active and going for a run.

I believe it’s helpful to have a rough outline of what our perfect day looks like :)

So that we can align every day to match our vision of a perfect day as much as possible.

This gives us some control over our days and our lives. 

And focusing on what we can control is one way to drastically prevent feelings of anxiety and stress. 

This is what you can teach and share with your audience using this done-for-you masterclass which you can launch ASAP.

white label course coach

90 slides, a script and accompanying workbook all done for you.


Here are 5 questions you can reflect on, if you wish to draft your own version of a ‘perfect’ day. 

  1. On your perfect day, how would you start your day?

  2. What will you accomplish?

  3. How would you feel throughout the day?

  4. What is ONE activity you can do every day to move your day closer to being ‘perfect’?

  5. On your perfect day, how would you end your day?

I like questions 1 and 5, because starting and ending our days on a good note are crucial to be at our peak performance.

You can share this concept with your audience in-depth with materials from my done-for-you masterclass :)

You can repurpose this masterclass as

  • Content for group coaching

  • Content for your paid membership

  • Content for 1-1 coaching

I hope this has been helpful for you!

Let me know if you have questions.

Blessings always and take care,


Launch your own masterclass with ease

I’ve written this done-for-you masterclass which has 90 slides, a workbook and script all ready for you :)


FREE creative goal setting coaching tool to help your clients set aligned and achievable goals


Three FREE done-for-you Instagram Captions for Coaches (with a 'Resilience' theme)