Are you a people-pleasing coach or business owner?

Listen to this blog post:

Do you feel obliged to say ‘yes’ to every discount request from your audience? 😄

I was there when I was new in my business.

If you had asked me for discounts back then, you are lucky because I almost always gave away 20% discounts to people who asked for it ;)

I rarely do that anymore, though.

As the years pass, you just become comfortable with your work, your prices and you can politely say ‘no’ to price discount requests which do not feel aligned and not over worry about your income. 

If you are curious to see if you are a people-pleasing business owner, you can listen to my new podcast episode.

It’s ok if you can identify with the 4 signs I talked about.

We are at different stages of life and some of us can overcome fear in a snap, whereas some of us need mindset work for that.

I will also introduce a simple exercise and one powerful word you can use to rewrite your people-pleasing beliefs.

If you want to see the video version which I recorded at my dining table with no fancy setup whatsoever, you can watch the video version here. 😄

That’s all for today.

Take care, blessings and may you enjoy abundance today.


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